Tuesday, October 13, 2009

DJ AM Dead of Drug Overdose: Should His Drug Reality Show "Gone Too Far" Still Go On?

Adam Goldstein, also known as DJ AM, one of the best hip-hop D.J.'s around, died this past August after a life-long battle with drug-addiction.  Upon turning twenty-five years old, he cleaned himself up.  Just last year, four of his close friends died in  a plane crash.  He survived.  This awful turn of events led him back into a downward spiral of drug use and thrust him right back into addiction. 

DJ AM and Jay-Z

This time, DJ AM began with pain killers.  Unfortunately this time, the party had gone too far.  DJ AM was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and sick with guilt after the horrible plane crash that killed his friends.  Although his life had been spared for a year more, it was just too much for DJ.

 DJ AM on The Wheels of Steel

After surviving the accident, Adam told People Magazine, “I can’t believe I made it,” he said. “I’ve prayed every night for the past 10 years. There’s a lot more to thank God for now … I was saved for a reason. Maybe I’m going to help someone else. I don’t question it. All I know is I’m thankful to be here.”  This would be his mission from that point on.   

 A Flyer From A Party DJ'd By DJ AM and D.J. Jazzy Jeff

The immense pain that Adam lived with following the plane crash was immense.  There are no words to describe how he felt that could ever describe his horror better than his own.  He writes on his blog, "Daily I live with the guilt and grief of what happened that night, what I saw, who was lost and why I was spared. I have no words to express the pain that comes with knowing four people died, while I lived."

This guy had a heart of gold and a great sense of humor.  Anyone who knew him would tell you that.  Just check out Adam's photograph of his two biggest fans on his blog, DJ AM Now.

He couldn't save himself, but he never gave up trying.  He also never stopped trying to help others in their fight for sobriety.  Just last night, MTV aired the first installment of the multi-part documentary that DJ AM made before his death called "Gone Too Far."  The series will continue next Monday at 10:00 PMET.

Do you think MTV should be airing the series?  Why or why not?

This is definitely a must-see TV event.  The show's premise is that DJ AM helps eight teenagers make the decision to go to rehab as they strive to stop taking drugs.  This is something that DJ AM definitely knows a lot about.  It's just so difficult to watch, knowing that he, is in fact, already deceased due to a drug overdose.  But it is definitely well worth the watch.  Just think of the multitudes of people and entire families who are being helped by this project.

It's so much more than a project now.  DJ AM died of drug overdose.  Who better to listen to than someone who tried so hard to stay clean and succumbed to the hell of such a torturous life and death?  Put your kids in front of the television and make them watch it!

Producers at MTV weren't sure whether or not it would be appropriate to go ahead and air the series since DJ AM is now deceased, but his mother thought that this would be the best way to honor her son, by helping to keep his mission alive and help others the same way he attempted to help them, their families, and himself.  What profundity.

Previously, Adam was engaged to marry Nicole Richie and Mandy Moore.  He had played with such musical greats as Steve Aoki, Jay-Z, and Will.i.am. of The Black Eyed Peas.  He was co-owner of the nightclub LAX was awarded a BET Hip-Hop Honors Award, which was recorded last Saturday night, posthumously for DJ of the Year.  Rapper Busta Rhymes accepted the award on DJ AM's behalf.

Here is the trailer.

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