Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blogs Ruin Journalism? A Hill of Beans.

Writing a blog is an important and valuable aspect of American pop culture.  Peer-to-peer sharing and citizen journalism is what drives our culture today.  Many people rely on Internet media nowadays for their primary sources of information.  It's not just online versions of your favorite popular magazines and newspapers here either.  Blogs are a major part of this equation. We see trends and everyday living affected by blogs more and more each and every day.  In fact, pop culture is shaped by blogs, as much as it is by anything else.

Some of The Best Mainstream Journalists Write Blogs

Everyone is into microblogging on Twitter.  In fact, many top journalists employed by mainstream media outlets like CNN, USA Today, and The Today Show all have social networking accounts and blogs.  In 2009, if it's not on Web2.0, then it does not exist.  It gets no attention.  Who leads the way in all of this?  Bloggers do.  Everyone is on MySpace, including mainstream journalists like Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, and Barbara Walters.
On the topic of microblogging, Readwriteweb writes, "Micro-blogging isn't a short-term trend - it is here to stay. The evolution of blogging has spawned this new mini version of blogging and many are latching on. The simplicity and ability to post frequently are what attract most to the concept. We expect much faster adoption and mainstream penetration than blogging in general."

If  you've ever tried to write a blog, then you know just how challenging a task this can be.  It requires conducting research on your topic so that you can remain abreadst of new developments.  You also have to hone your writing skills once you've found your      voice.  Writing deft content that is on the pulse of what readers are    interested in is essential to good blogging. 

Blogger Don Mills Diva Plagiarized by Mainstream Media Source

I read a wonderful, yet grossly unfortunate blog post called "Write On!  Respect The Blog." on Don Mills Diva.  In the article, Don Mills Diva, the author writes of how blog authors are worthy of the same respect afforded other journalists.  She discovered that one of her posts was copied by a mainstream paper and they intended to publish it in a book!  What an invasion!  I wonder if she would have been paid for her writing.  I doubt it because she wasn't even informed that her work was used.  Get this.  She wasn't asked if her work could be used.  Read more on this here.

On her blog, Don Mills Diva writes, "I don't claim that my journalism degree necessarily bestows upon me the ability to routinely craft perfect prose or anything close to it, but I do know that my years of striving to better my craft have made writing well, honestly and as accurately as possible a point of fierce pride.  I am proud of this blog and I am proud of the writing I have done here.  And I am especially proud to be a member of the blogging community despite the fact that the phrase 'Blogs Ruin Journalism' brings up 3,900,000 hits on Google."   I fully agree with this profound blogger.  The sad part in all of this is that it's quite obvious to me that not a few people believe the myth that blogs ruin journalism.  I did a Google search today on the term blogs ruin journalism and the search engine returned a whopping 594,000 hits! 

My Passion for Blogging and Writing

Good blogging requires excellent writing skills, intelligence, and an outstanding voice.  Blogging, for me is a labor of love.  It is indeed a passion of mine.  I live, therefore I blog.  Realizing that we each hold the keys to shaping pop culture is most exciting to me.  I love having the opportunity to interact with, analyze, and critique pop culture and everything that goes on in our world.  Sharing with others on the other side of the world and having them share with me is definitely worth blogging about.

Please read one of my previous posts, "What Writing Has Done for Me," detailing why I write.  Writing for me, is oxygen.  It is that, which enables me to breathe.  I write and blog, therefore I am!   Like Don Mills Diva, I too am a professional journalist.  I hold multiple degrees.  We shouldn't have to justify our credentials to prevent others from stealing our work, but I suppose we do.  I write for the purpose of informing and entertaining myself and others.  I also view writing as a means of motivating and inspiring others.

If blogs ruin journalism, then we  need to reexamine and reevaluate our definitions of these terms.  Then again I'm no semantics snob, or at least I don't think I am.  By the way, TMZ and The National Enquirer are alright with me!

Join The Revolution for Blog Respect!  I'll Add Your Link Here!

I encourage you to visit Don Mills Diva to read more about this whole mess.  Learn directly from her what she's doing to turn this into a positive situation for bloggers everywhere. Click the icon below to visit the blog, write a post about this, and she will link back to you.  Bloggers unite!  This is indeed a pop culture revolution!

By the way, this also happened to the blogger at If Mom Says Okay.  Visit her post here to find out more.

**  I'm also going to add a link to every blogger who writes a post about this most unfortunate event and why they love to write and blog.  I'll update the list on this post as they come in.  Just add a related comment to this post and I'll link you.  **

Please visit each of the blogger's blogs and comment.  Action speaks louder than words.  We owe it to ourselves to support each other, one blogger to another. 

Write on!  Respect The Blog Links:

The authors of the following blogs are all a part of this revolution.  Get in on the action.  Also, please take the time to do some bloghopping.  Visit these blogs and show some love.  Karma is delicious around the Internet for people who blog and on motherhood blogs in particular.

Don Mills Diva
If Mom Says Okay
Just Kat Stuff

Visit Don Mills Diva's blog, add the icon below to your blog, write a post on your blog about why you and your blogging deserve respect.  Then let her know and she will link to you.  Support her.  Support yourself.  Support Pop Culture!

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